


The owner of the APP downloadable on this website is TAGTTOOSOCIAL, S.L., whose identification data is the following:

Address: San Lorenzo street, number 14. Floor 1
07840 Santa Eulàlia Des Riu (Balearic Islands)
CIF.: B44558682
Email:  social@tagttoo.io
Registration data: Registered in the Commercial Registry of Ibiza on February 7, 2023 in volume 392, folio 20, entry 1 with sheet IB-19615


These Terms and Conditions regulate the access and use of the WEB/APP by its users.

Access and use of the WEB/APP by the user implies acceptance of these Terms and Conditions, as well as the rest of the policies that, where appropriate, may be provided for in the APP and on the website.

Therefore, we ask the user to carefully read these Terms and Conditions before downloading and using the WEB/APP, as well as any subsequent modifications to them that would be promptly communicated if applicable.

If you do not accept these Terms and Conditions, please refrain from using the WEB/APP.


The main purpose of the TagttooSocial WEB/APP (hereinafter “Tagttoo”) is the publication, exhibition and dissemination of images, videos and information and entertainment in relation to the world of tattooing.

For these purposes, there are five different types of users:

a.- Tattooed users, who want to get tattooed or simply like tattoo art, to whom Tagttoo provides the service of publishing, labeling and classifying their tattoos, as well as inspirations that have motivated them, exposing them and sharing them with other users of the network, who will be able to comment and rate them.

The service offered for this type of user is free, without prejudice to any service that is made available to the user on the platform itself and that may generate some type of economic compensation that will be governed by its own particular conditions (Marketplace; Premium version… )

b.- Artists or tattoo artists to whom Tagttoo provides the service of publishing, exhibiting and disseminating their works or works, as well as tools to offer and advertise their services.

There are two subclassifications within this type of users:

Artists or tattoo artists The publications, services and interactions of this type of users will be limited. The service offered for this type of users is free.
Premium artists or tattoo artists. There will be no limitation on their publications and they will have the services to advertise, contact, request a quote, as well as be subject to evaluation and/or opinion.

The service offered for this type of user is through an annual financial fee that will be determined in the corresponding economic conditions section, as well as any service that is made available to the user on the platform itself and that may generate some type of economic consideration that will be governed by its own particular conditions.

c.- Tattoo Studios to whom Tagttoo provides the service of publishing, exhibiting and disseminating the works or works of its residents or owners, the characteristics and geolocation of the studio, as well as tools to offer and advertise their services.

There are two subclassifications within this type of users:

Tattoo Studios The publications, services and interactions of this type of users will be limited. The service offered for this type of users is free.

Studios with more than one resident artist or professional will not be eligible for this type of user.

Premium Tattoo Studios. There will be no limitation on their publications and they will have the services to advertise, contact, request a quote, as well as be subject to evaluation and/or opinion.

The service offered for this type of user is through an annual financial fee that will be determined in the corresponding economic conditions section, as well as any service that is made available to the user on the platform itself and that may generate some type of economic compensation that will be governed by its own particular conditions.

d.- Designers to whom Tagttoo provides the service of publishing, exhibiting and disseminating their works or works, as well as tools to offer, advertise and sell their works and services.

There are two subclassifications within this type of users:

Designers The publications, services and interactions of these types of users will be limited. The service offered for this type of users is free.
Premium Designers. There will be no limitation on their publications and they will have the services to advertise, offer and sell their works and services.

The service offered for this type of user is through an annual financial fee that will be determined in the corresponding economic conditions section, as well as any service that is made available to the user on the platform itself and that may generate some type of economic consideration.

e.- Companies that provide products and services to whom Tagttoo provides them with the service of disseminating and exposing their products and/or services, the tools to offer and advertise their services or products, as well as access to a web platform for exclusive use by professionals. in order to promote and facilitate the sale of its products and services, which will be governed by its own particular conditions.

The service offered for this type of users is through an annual financial fee that will be determined in the corresponding economic conditions section.


In order to access the WEB/APP and make use of it, the following will be essential requirements:

Be over 18 years of age.
Accept these terms and conditions, as well as other applicable legal regulations.
Complete all the mandatory information requested in order to manage and process the registration.

The user is responsible for safeguarding the password used to manage registration and will be responsible for what is done from their account through any device.

Tagttoo reserves the right to modify the content of these Terms and Conditions and to require their acceptance as a requirement to continue using the WEB/APP.

The user is responsible for the veracity of the registered data, exempting Tagttoo from any type of responsibility.

Tagttoo reserves the right to carry out the necessary checks and verify the veracity of the information provided by the user, as well as block or cancel the profile if it is verified or there are well-founded doubts that the data provided is falsified or the lack of collaboration. of the user in the verification tasks referred to above.

Failure to comply with the Conditions of Use that will be indicated later will also be sufficient reason for Tagttoo to block or cancel the profile. In the same way, the case of non-payment of the annual financial contributions, if any, may proceed.


The user agrees to make diligent use of the WEB/APP, as well as the information included therein, and not to use it to engage in illegal activities or activities contrary to good faith and legal regulations.

The participating user undertakes not to disseminate content, opinions, or propaganda of a racist, xenophobic, homophobic, pornographic nature, in support of terrorism, illegal or that violates human rights or any other form of discrimination not permitted by law.

Any message, image, audio or video that does not comply with this rule may be blocked and/or deleted by the WEB/APP manager, without prejudice to the deletion of the profile in the terms referred to in the preceding clause.

The content published by the user must be related to the tattoo and must not include advertising or promotional material, nor be used to disseminate advertising or for profit, except in those cases where Tagttoo expressly authorizes that purpose.


The user registered with Tagttoo is solely responsible for the contents and files published and made available to Tagttoo, which is why they undertake and are obliged not to publish any image, text, video, audio or any other type of file that is subject to to intellectual property rights of third parties, unless the corresponding license or formal authorization is available for such purposes, exempting Tagttoo from any type of responsibility in this regard.

Any person and/or user of Tagttoo can communicate to those responsible for the WEB/APP the violation of any type of right in relation to the publication of a file.

Tagttoo may deny, withdraw, suspend and/or block at its discretion, and at any time, access to Tagttoo content or the provision of services provided, to all those users who fail to comply with these Terms and Conditions, and may delete the account and all files and information related to it.


The user grants Tagttoo permission to:

a.- Use the content that you publish and share, and grant a worldwide license to host, use, distribute, modify, maintain, reproduce, display, share, communicate and translate the aforementioned content, as well as for any other type of necessary action for the optimal execution of the WEB/APP functionalities.

b.- Show you personalized ads and commercial and advertising content of our own or of third parties who pay a price for it.

For these purposes, the user grants Tagttoo permission to provide said third parties with the user’s basic information, always safeguarding personal data in accordance with our privacy policy and without revealing the user’s identity, in order to show appropriate or relevant advertisements to the user. each user, as well as being able to offer advertisers reports on the performance of their ads.

c.- Show the geolocation to other users in those functionalities that are required, without prejudice to the privacy settings that the user will have, in which case said functionalities may be limited or disabled.

c.- Download and install software updates when applicable, as well as for Tagttoo to collect and use certain technical data and information about the device, system and software and its peripherals on a periodic basis.


The WEB/APP and all the material included in it (brand, distinctive sign, trade name, drawings, source codes, designs, illustrations, images, photographs, soundtracks, written texts, logos, etc.) its programming, editing, compilation and other elements necessary for its operation, are the property of Tagttoo or, where applicable, have a license or express authorization from their authors. All of this without prejudice to the content published by users, which will be regulated by the provisions of section 6 of these Terms and Conditions.

The reproduction or representation, in whole or in part, of the WEB/APP or any of the elements that compose it, as well as its modification, is totally prohibited.

The license to use any content of the APP granted to the user is limited to the user’s downloading of said content and private use thereof, provided that the aforementioned content remains intact.

The use of all or part of the WEB/APP, in particular to download, reproduce, transmit or represent for purposes other than personal, private and non-commercial use, is strictly prohibited.

Tagttoo declares its respect for the intellectual and industrial property rights of third parties; Therefore, if you consider that this WEB/APP could be violating your rights, please contact Tagttoo through the following email address: privacy@tagttoo.io


These conditions regulate the marketing by Tagttoo of certain goods and services through the WEB/APP, without prejudice to the specific regulation that the user must read and accept prior to formalizing any purchase.

Tagttoo may modify these at any time, which is why those conditions of the goods and payment services published and in force on the date of formalization of the purchase will apply.

The paid goods and services currently available to users are:

a.- Premium subscription for artists, designers and tattoo studios that allows you to enjoy all the features of the APP without limitations.

b.- Advertising services for artists, designers and tattoo studios to achieve greater visibility, advertise, advertise or promote their respective goods and services within the Tagttoo community.

c.- Acquisition of products through the Marketplace for all types of users.

Tagttoo will decide at all times the paid goods and services available, offering new ones or limiting those existing up to that moment.

The user who wishes to acquire a paid good or services will have to follow the instructions that appear on the WEB/APP and accept the particular conditions that are shown during the contracting process.

The prices of paid goods or services are shown in euros or dollars (depending on the user’s residence) and include the Value Added Tax applicable to each transaction depending on the user’s place of residence.

Tagttoo reserves the right to modify the prices of paid goods and services offered at any time.

The user must pay for the goods and paid services with the payment methods accepted by Tagttoo and must follow according to the instructions that appear on the screen.

Paid goods and services will not be activated until payment has been received or authorized by the corresponding financial institution.

Upon completion of the order, a summary of the order will be offered for review before acceptance and confirmation of correct processing, the purchase receipt and the invoice will be sent by email.

In accordance with the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users, the user has fourteen (14) business days from the acquisition of the paid Good or Service to withdraw from the purchase without justification or penalty. For these purposes, the user must communicate their withdrawal by email enabled for such purposes, indicating their willingness to withdraw and identifying the product purchased.

However, in accordance with the aforementioned regulations, it must be taken into account that the right of withdrawal will not be applicable to paid Goods and Services fully executed before the expiration of the withdrawal period.

At the time of agreeing to the purchase, the user will be informed whether the Good or Paid Service that they wish to acquire will be fully executed at the time of its acquisition and, therefore, whether or not the right of withdrawal will be applicable in accordance with the provisions. previously stated.


Please read our Privacy Policy, which governs how we treat any personal information you provide to us, as well as our Cookies Policy, which aims to inform you clearly and accurately about the cookies used.

The requested information that you can send to Tagttoo by email or through the registration or contact form, to contact us and/or registration on the WEB/APP, if applicable, is subject to our Privacy Policy and will be treated in accordance with the same. For more information on this matter, please read our privacy policy contained in the Privacy Policy section.


The APP may include technical link devices that allow the user to access third-party websites.

In the event that the WEB/APP redirects the User to content from third-party websites, in which Tagttoo cannot always control the content, Tagttoo would act as a provider of intermediation services, according to the provisions of article 17 of the law. 34/2002, of July 11, on information society services and electronic commerce, and does not assume any type of responsibility regarding the contents of the Linked Sites. Tagttoo does not endorse any sites, goods or services offered by Linked Sites.

In the event that you consider that there is illegal, harmful, degrading, violent or inappropriate content on the Linked Sites, you may notify Tagttoo through the following email address: social@tagttoo.io. However, such communication will in no case entail Tagttoo’s obligation to remove the corresponding link, nor does it necessarily imply Tagttoo’s effective knowledge of the illegality of the contents of the Linked Site, for the purposes of the provisions of current regulations.

Regarding the links that the APP establishes to our profiles on Tagttoo’s Social Networks, we inform you that the Conditions of Use are extendable to said profiles on social networks and that the User is exclusively responsible for their use and compliance with the legal terms of each of the Social Networks.


Tagttoo complies with the provisions of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, and Law 56/2007, of December 28, on Measures to Promote the Information Society , as well as in Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data and its implementing regulations (RD 1720/2007, of December 21, which approves the Regulations for the Development of the Organic Law 15/1999 on Protection of Personal Data.

The applicable law in the event of a dispute or conflict of interpretation of the terms that make up these Terms and Conditions, as well as any issue related to this WEB/APP, will be Spanish common law, with the owner of the WEB/APP and the user submitting to the Courts and Tribunals of the City of Tarragona.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]